Almond milk not only is delicious, it also contains nutrients that benefit our overall health. Try to make your own almond milk as an alternative to cow's milk.

ALMOND MILK: (makes abt 600ml)

1/4cup blanched almond
1 cup filtered water
a pinch of ground cinnamon or nutmeg
a little cold pressed honey (optional)

if you want to blanch your own almonds, put them in a sieve and dip them in a pan of boiling water for 30 seconds, the skins will then pop off very easily.

Place the blanched almonds and the water in a food processor and blend until the mixture becomes thick and smooth (a couple of minutes). Strain the liquid through a fine sieve or piece of cheesecloth to remove the pulp. If there is a great deal of pulp, you can repeat the process. Add the cinnamon or nutmeg and sweeten to taste with a little honey if necessary. This milk does tend to separate, so you will need to stir it before serving.
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